
I can't thank you enough for introducing me to this lifestyle. I have kept faithful to the foods and have never felt better - I also lost 12 lbs along the way which made me feel a whole lot better.


- Janet -

I started working with Michelle a couple of months ago. I thought  I had a healthy diet but my energy was low and I had some chronic health issues that I suspected where at least partially diet related. I am now learning how to eat to feel terrific. Food is becoming my friend and my medicine. 
It is an amazing process! I started with the 21 day cleanse. It was way easier than I thought. The recipes were easy, quick, delicious and family friendly.  I still use them all the time!! In 21 days my energy level increased, I sleep better, have better mental clarity, reduced moodiness and my chronic health issues have improved dramatically. Food cravings were really minimized by the end of the cleanse. Now I actually do not want to eat less than super healthy food. And did I say, I feel really, really good.
I am still working with Michelle to discover what is the best way for me to eat for life. Instead of trying to stick to a diet, I am learning to eat in a very natural and intuitive way. It is fantastic! I eat when I am hungry and I eat what I feel like eating, without guilt! And most of the time what I feel like eating is super healthy nourishing food. Deciding to work with Michelle was a great gift that I gave myself.


The detox was surprisingly easy once we figured out how to plan meals ahead of time.  I had barely any cravings for "forbidden" food throughout the day.  I was even energized in the mornings without my usual cup of coffee!  The recipes were delicious and satisfying and I was never cranky from low blood sugar (something that happens semi-frequently).  My appetite and energy level were balanced throughout the day - they usually fluctuate a lot.  I wasn't bloated and I didn't feel "icky" at all.  

Overall, the detox was a fantastic experience and showed me how easy it is to feel great.  It opened the door for some lifestyle changes that will definitely be long-term.  I even discovered some restaurants in the area that serve detox-friendly foods so now I know where to go on the nights when I don't have time to cook.  I am recommending the detox to all of my friends and a lot of them are already interested since they saw how easy it was for me and how great I felt.


- Emma -

I just wanted to say THANK YOU SO MUCH for the opportunity to do this cleanse! I had a great time and it was so easy to follow. It felt great to eat nutritious food and feel satisfied and never sick or bloated and gassy. I already experimented introducing "regular foods" and found myself getting a headache and really knowing how it felt when you used the word "puffy". I literally felt doughy... Yuck!!

In the first 2 weeks I was excited that when it was over I'd be able to eat cheese and eggs, but honestly now I don't at all feel like I NEED to have those foods. I don't crave dairy or sugar at all anymore and I love rice milk.  I've felt wonderful...clean, in a way, knowing that everything I ate was wholesome and nourishing my body. I still need to work on chewing my food. What's so different now is that when I'm eating I actually THINK to myself, chew longer, you're inhaling, as opposed to just scarfing without thinking. This cleanse made me so aware of what I put into my body and I will use that forever. I can't wait to do this again in June!!!

Thank you Thank you Thank you! 
- Lauren -

I am writing in praise of your 21 day Gentle Detox!  As a Health Counselor with clients of my own, I am familiar with a lot of the nutritional information you provided, but gained so much from your program just the same.  The way in which you present the detox made what could have been an intimidating challenge into an approachable and even enjoyable experience for both seasoned "detoxers" and those trying it for the first time.  This is a great introduction to whole foods and it provide the tools to make it a lasting lifestyle choice.  That said, the detox is also the perfect way to come back to center after an over-the-top vacation, or if you're just feeling sludgy. 

Your audio files were great, the recipes were delicious, and the group support made the whole thing a lot more doable than it would have been otherwise.  I would recommend your program to anyone looking to clean up their diet and and experiment with whole foods.


- Sarah - 

So BEFORE I met you...I was eating whatever appealed to me and had no idea how to put a nutritionally balanced meal together.  I often ate for comfort, never actually took time to taste my food, look much at my food or think about what was in it. Many of my foods came from boxes and I was eating "convenience" foods more than I should have been.  I looked at eating as more of a chore than anything else, and only enjoyed being full.  I ate at odd times of the day, whatever, whenever. 

During our discourse on nutrition...I learned how to put a meal together, many, many more nutritious options that were part of the same groups of foods I liked and normally ate from, just healthier options. i learned how to enjoy my food, its presentation, preparation, etc.  I learned to eat to live, not live to eat.  it became less and less of a chore and I learned how to balance some of the stresses in my life and new outlets for my energy...both positive and negative.

Now...I am a yoga addict.  I ride my bike constantly and my car will sit in a driveway all summer while I walk everywhere, swim, surf, and learn new things. I've taken on new, active hobbies I would never have tried before.  I do many things in moderation...weight lift, yoga, cardio...I've never felt stronger or had more energy.  In fact, someone told me recently that I had too much energy, but I think they are just jealous.  My energy is so positive these days!  I genuinely appreciate so many more things in my life than I previously had.  I've never been a more satisfied individual! 


- Wendy -

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